Booking Process

A quick & easy way on how to book me

  1. Fill out and submit the form below with all of your details and information about your wedding.

  2. I will get back to you ASAP to confirm my availability. If I am available on your date I will send you over a digital quote to your email. If you would like to meet before confirming then I am available for a Zoom call or at my photography gallery in Broadstairs.

  3. If you’re happy to proceed (yay) then please ‘accept the quote’.

  4. I will receive a notification of acceptance and i’ll send over my T&C’s and deposit info via email within 48x hours.

  5. Once I receive your digitally signed T&C’s and deposit payment by bank transfer then the booking is all confirmed.

  6. I will get back in touch with you around 4 weeks before your wedding day to arrange a meeting (Zoom or in person) to confirm all the details and timings for your wedding day.

  7. I’ll photograph your wedding day, back up all the images afterwards and then send over your fully edited wedding to you within 28x days. Remaining payment to be made on the day or day after I send your final album.

Quote Request Form